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Search Boiling stones behrotest Behr Labor-Technik GmbH (5919)

Behr Labor-Technik GmbH (5919)

Boiling stones behrotest®
behrotest® boiling stones are made from a ceramic material. Compared to conventional boiling stones made of glass, they provide optimum protection against defervescence due to their porosity and their shape, even with badly blended samples.
Boiling stones behrotest®
behrotest® boiling stones are made from a ceramic material. Compared to conventional boiling stones made of glass, they provide optimum protection against defervescence due to their porosity and their shape, even with badly blended samples.
behrotest® boiling stones are chemically pure and guarantee unadulterated results when determining the COD, the Kjeldahl nitrogen etc.
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Capacity~g Material PK Grain size Temperature~resistance Max. temp. resistance Min. temp. resistance General Price Quantity Status Add
9920710 B00217914 Behr Labor-Technik GmbH 100 1 44.41 EU Search Please contact us
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