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Search Base frames for CO incubators CB series BINDER GmbH (441915)

BINDER GmbH (441915)

Base frames for CO2 incubators CB series
The base frame equipped with casters is used for the secure positioning and leveling of CO2 incubators.
Base frames for CO2 incubators CB series
The base frame equipped with casters is used for the secure positioning and leveling of CO2 incubators.
PN Manuf. PN Supplier For PK General Price Quantity Status Add
4678828 9051-0044 BINDER GmbH CB260 / CB-S 260 / CBF260 1 713.24 EU Search Please contact us
4679912 9051-0043 BINDER GmbH CB56 1 601.47 EU Search Please contact us
6258479 9051-0028 BINDER GmbH CB170 / CB-S 170 / CBF170 1 809.12 EU Search Please contact us
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