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Search Angled sample beaker, PP Windaus-Labortechnik (10376)

Windaus-Labortechnik (10376)

Angled sample beaker, PP
With exchangeable beaker made of PP. The construction of the beaker holder (stainless steel tension band) makes it possible to turn the beaker around in order to change the pouring direction as well as the adjustment of the click-in angle construction (0 to 180°)...
Angled sample beaker, PP
With exchangeable beaker made of PP. The construction of the beaker holder (stainless steel tension band) makes it possible to turn the beaker around in order to change the pouring direction as well as the adjustment of the click-in angle construction (0 to 180°). For use with INGENIOUS telescopic poles.
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Colour Material Material Lid PK Sterile Type Height Ø autoclavable Nominal capacity~l General Price Quantity Status Add
7621456 394302027 Windaus-Labortechnik PP 1 1 59.56 EU Search Please contact us
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