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Search Counting Chamber, Nageotte BRAND GMBH + CO.KG (4900)


Counting Chamber, Nageotte
BLAUBRAND®. Double ruling. Without snap-on clips. Cell depth 0.5 mm. The square area of 100 mm2 is subdivided into 40 rectangles with an area of 0.25 x 10 = 2.5 mm2 each. This chamber is commonly used for counting cells in the cerebrospinal fluid, or for co...
Counting Chamber, Nageotte
BLAUBRAND®. Double ruling. Without snap-on clips. Cell depth 0.5 mm. The square area of 100 mm2 is subdivided into 40 rectangles with an area of 0.25 x 10 = 2.5 mm2 each. This chamber is commonly used for counting cells in the cerebrospinal fluid, or for counting nematodes. For research and development only.
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Material PK Grid ruling Depth chamber~mm Lines With snap-on clips Counting chamber~according to General Price Quantity Status Add
7020286 721305 BRAND GMBH + CO.KG 1 Double 0.5 No Nageotte 217.79 EU Search Please contact us
Search Counting chambers, Nageotte ruling Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH (9060)

Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH (9060)

Counting chambers, Nageotte ruling
Double net ruling, includes 2 haemocytometer glass covers, with LOT number on the packaging, labelled with: usable until, CE pursuant to IVD 98/79 EC. For cell counting with very low cell values, e.g. liquor cerebrospinalis, counting residual leucocytes...
Counting chambers, Nageotte ruling
Double net ruling, includes 2 haemocytometer glass covers, with LOT number on the packaging, labelled with: usable until, CE pursuant to IVD 98/79 EC. For cell counting with very low cell values, e.g. liquor cerebrospinalis, counting residual leucocytes in erythrocyte and thrombocyte PLT concentrates or in plasma. Also suitable for counting of nematodes. The bands are counted by meandering succession.
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Material PK Depth chamber Grid ruling Lines With snap-on clips Counting chamber~according to General Price Quantity Status Add
6262763 8110111 Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH 1 Double Yes Nageotte 316.18 EU Search Please contact us
6273979 8100111 Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH 1 Double No Nageotte 289.71 EU Search Please contact us
Search Counting chambers, Nageotte ruling, bright line Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH (9047)

Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH (9047)

Counting chambers, Nageotte ruling, bright line
Bright lined, double net ruling, includes 2 haemocytometer glass covers, with LOT number on the packaging, labelled with: usable until, CE pursuant to IVD 98/79 EC. For cell counting with very low cell values, e.g. liquor cerebrospinalis, c...
Counting chambers, Nageotte ruling, bright line
Bright lined, double net ruling, includes 2 haemocytometer glass covers, with LOT number on the packaging, labelled with: usable until, CE pursuant to IVD 98/79 EC. For cell counting with very low cell values, e.g. liquor cerebrospinalis, counting residual leucocytes in erythrocyte and thrombocyte PLT concentrates or in plasma. Also suitable for counting of nematodes. The bands are countd by meandering succession.
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Material PK Depth chamber Grid ruling Lines With snap-on clips Counting chamber~according to General Price Quantity Status Add
6285344 8100211 Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH 1 388.24 EU Search Please contact us
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