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Cytiva Europe GmbH (4776)

Microbiological monitoring of water: MBS I system and membranes
The MBS I filtration system is designed for laboratories that handle high numbers of samples for microbiological quality control. It consists of a membrane dispenser, a funnel dispenser, and a 2-place filter AS220 manifold.<...
Microbiological monitoring of water: MBS I system and membranes
The MBS I filtration system is designed for laboratories that handle high numbers of samples for microbiological quality control. It consists of a membrane dispenser, a funnel dispenser, and a 2-place filter AS220 manifold.
AS220 Filtration Manifold and Filtration funnels AS220 is a two-place stainless-steel filtration manifold, which can be joined together (maximum of 3 manifolds).This simple manifold can be used with 47mm or 50mm filtration membranes.

-Waste reduction - because PP funnels can be autoclaved up to 50 times
-Time saving - No need to flame in between filtrations
-Easy handing
-Cost saving - 20 PP funnels are enough for 1000 analyses
-Reduces cross-contamination
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Description PK General Price Quantity Status Add
6225967 10477100 Cytiva Europe GmbH Membran-Butler manual 1 2063.26 EU Search Please contact us
6801981 10445863 Cytiva Europe GmbH Steel frit with ring for AS220 1 186.91 EU Search Please contact us
7608012 10445868 Cytiva Europe GmbH Autoclaving bags 20 167.35 EU Search Please contact us
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