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Search Multiple bottle distributors GLS 80, HDPE SCAT Europe GmbH (8337)

SCAT Europe GmbH (8337)

Multiple bottle distributors GLS 80, HDPE
The S.C.A.T. system for solvent safety remains permanently closed, the "safety chain" is not interrupted during the rinsing process of the HPLC system. After the analysis has been completed, the system is cleanly returned to its original state. Multiple bottle distributors GLS 80, HDPE
The S.C.A.T. system for solvent safety remains permanently closed, the "safety chain" is not interrupted during the rinsing process of the HPLC system. After the analysis has been completed, the system is cleanly returned to its original state.

-Up to 4 SafetyCaps can be installed on the rinsing bottle
-Simple and safe handling due to firmly seated capillaries
-GLS 80 (w) thread
-4 x GL 45 (m) connections
-Electrically conductive
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Colour For Material PK Type Thread 2 int. Thread int. General Price Quantity Status Add
4665768 106660 SCAT Europe GmbH blue/black HDPE 1 GLS 80 336.76 EU Search Please contact us
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