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Search Sleeves, PTFE, disposable BRAND GMBH + CO.KG (172)


Sleeves, PTFE, disposable
Seals without grease - no grease residues are left in the analysis. Excellent chemical resistance. Can be used in temperatures from -200 to 260 °C. Wall thickness only 0.05 mm. Wide range of applications, also suitable for vacuums down to 0.1 mbar, e.g. for rota...
Sleeves, PTFE, disposable
Seals without grease - no grease residues are left in the analysis. Excellent chemical resistance. Can be used in temperatures from -200 to 260 °C. Wall thickness only 0.05 mm. Wide range of applications, also suitable for vacuums down to 0.1 mbar, e.g. for rotary evaporators.
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Material PK Thickness~µm Ground size Standard Chemical resistant Temperature~resistance General Price Quantity Status Add
9011322 51422 BRAND GMBH + CO.KG PTFE 1 50 NS29/32 -200 ... 260 °C 7.06 EU Search 20 Days
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