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Search Freezing Aid for Cell Cultures, FreezerCell™ Crystal Technology & (3946)

Crystal Technology & (3946)

Freezing Aid for Cell Cultures, FreezerCell™
FreezerCell? can be used for a variety of cell types, including stem cells, primary cells, cell lines and yeasts. The FreezerCell? does not require any additives and only needs to be placed in an ultra deep freezer and the cooling runs a...
Freezing Aid for Cell Cultures, FreezerCell™
FreezerCell? can be used for a variety of cell types, including stem cells, primary cells, cell lines and yeasts. The FreezerCell? does not require any additives and only needs to be placed in an ultra deep freezer and the cooling runs at -1°C per minute. Fill the freezing aid with the cryotubes and freeze for approx. 3 hours at -80 °C. Then the samples are readyto transfer to a nitrogen tank. This gentle method ensures a high survival rate of the cells during the freezing process.
-No pre-cooling necessary
-Consistent temperature distribution, even with partial loading
-Lid can be opened easily
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Dimensions (W x D x H)~mm PK Type General Price Quantity Status Add
4665863 FZC-01 Crystal Technology & 108 x 108 x 100 1 Hexagon shape for 12 tubes 171.47 EU Search 20 Days
4665865 FZC-02 Crystal Technology & 117 x 117 x 100 1 Square shape for 12 tubes 173.67 EU Search Please contact us
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