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Search Cooking Oil Tester testo 270 Testo SE & CO KGaA (5117)

Testo SE & CO KGaA (5117)

Cooking Oil Tester testo 270
Checks the quality and temperature of cooking oil. Can be used in hot oil up to 200 °C, the user is protected from heat. Value is visualised by coloured display backlight (red, yellow, green). Protrection class IP 65, water resistant.

Scope of supply: ...
Cooking Oil Tester testo 270
Checks the quality and temperature of cooking oil. Can be used in hot oil up to 200 °C, the user is protected from heat. Value is visualised by coloured display backlight (red, yellow, green). Protrection class IP 65, water resistant.

Scope of supply: Cooking oil tester testo 270, reference oil, plastic case, calibration protocol, training card, instruction manual and batteries.
Range: 0.0 ¼ 40.0 % TPM
Accurracy: ±2 % TPM (40 ¼ 190 °C)
Resolution: 0.5 % TPM (40 ¼ 190 °C)
Dimensions (W x L x H): 300 x 170 x 50 mm
Power supply: 2 x AAA (Micro)
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Description PK Type General Price Quantity Status Add
6226723 05542650 Testo SE & CO KGaA for cooking oil tester 1 100 ml reference oil 33.82 EU Search 20 Days
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