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Search Cleaner rea-clean Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH (420235)

Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH (420235)

Cleaner rea-clean®
Liquid, phosphate-free concentrate for cleaning objects and surfaces in all areas of application. Also suitable for plastic surfaces.

-Environmentally friendly, as completely biodegradable
-Self-neutralising, self-emulsifying, strongly grease-dissolvi...
Cleaner rea-clean®
Liquid, phosphate-free concentrate for cleaning objects and surfaces in all areas of application. Also suitable for plastic surfaces.

-Environmentally friendly, as completely biodegradable
-Self-neutralising, self-emulsifying, strongly grease-dissolving
-Mildly alkaline (concentrate has pH value of 10)
-Economical: 1 l concentrate produces up to 40 l working solution
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Capacity~L PK Type Type of packaging Feature Bactericide Supply form General Price Quantity Status Add
6510485 9790105 Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH 5 1 canister Mildly alkaline Liquid concentrate 194.66 EU Search Please contact us
7616236 9790101 Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH 1 1 Refill pack Mildly alkaline Liquid concentrate 47.53 EU Search Please contact us
7616466 9790100 Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH 1 1 Spray flask Mildly alkaline Liquid concentrate 25.45 EU Search Please contact us
Search MaloClean Aquastabil Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG (697124)

Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG (697124)

MaloClean Aquastabil
Stabilising agent for water baths, thermostats etc.

-Should be prepared with distilled water if possible.

Attention: Toxic to aquatic organisms with long-term effects. Avoid release into the environment.
MaloClean Aquastabil
Stabilising agent for water baths, thermostats etc.

-Should be prepared with distilled water if possible.

Attention: Toxic to aquatic organisms with long-term effects. Avoid release into the environment.
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Capacity~ml PK Type Type of packaging Feature Bactericide Supply form General Price Quantity Status Add
4688780 9192411 Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG 100 1 bottle Liquid concentrate 29.26 EU Search Please contact us
Search MaloClean FLA Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG (697837)

Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG (697837)

MaloClean FLA
Highly alkaline cleaner for dishwashers

-Contains alkalis and high levels of dispersants
-Free of surfactants and suitable for all water hardnesses
-Removes blood, protein, food residues and chemicals
-Ingredients 15 - 30% sodium hydroxide, > 5% phosphon...
MaloClean FLA
Highly alkaline cleaner for dishwashers

-Contains alkalis and high levels of dispersants
-Free of surfactants and suitable for all water hardnesses
-Removes blood, protein, food residues and chemicals
-Ingredients 15 - 30% sodium hydroxide, > 5% phosphonates, phosphates

Limited suitability for light metals, medical, biological and chemical laboratories and in the food industry
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Capacity~L PK Type Type of packaging Feature Bactericide Supply form General Price Quantity Status Add
4688778 9192409 Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG 5 1 canister Highly alkaline Liquid concentrate 68.24 EU Search Please contact us
4688779 9192410 Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG 10 1 canister Highly alkaline Liquid concentrate 116.04 EU Search Please contact us
Search MaloClean UW Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG (699614)

Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG (699614)

MaloClean UW
Mildly alkaline powder cleaner for special dishwashing machines

-Application area: Water laboratories, serological institutes, phosphate industry
-Pre-testing is required for anodised aluminium surfaces
-Removes organic and inorganic impurities from glass, e...
MaloClean UW
Mildly alkaline powder cleaner for special dishwashing machines

-Application area: Water laboratories, serological institutes, phosphate industry
-Pre-testing is required for anodised aluminium surfaces
-Removes organic and inorganic impurities from glass, enamel, metal and plastics
-> 25% silicates, emulsifiers, chlorine carriers (active chlorine < 1%).
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Capacity~kg PK Type Type of packaging Feature Bactericide Supply form General Price Quantity Status Add
4688777 9192408 Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG 10 1 bucket Mildly alkaline Powder 280.29 EU Search Please contact us
Search Neutraliser MaloClean N Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG (699588)

Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG (699588)

Neutraliser MaloClean N
Neutraliser and acid cleaner for special dishwashers.
Suitable for all water hardnesses. Pre-testing is required for anodised aluminium surfaces.

-For surgical instruments made of stainless steel, laboratory glassware, ceramics and plastics
Neutraliser MaloClean N
Neutraliser and acid cleaner for special dishwashers.
Suitable for all water hardnesses. Pre-testing is required for anodised aluminium surfaces.

-For surgical instruments made of stainless steel, laboratory glassware, ceramics and plastics
-Removes impurities such as urine scale, limescale, alkaline detergent residues
-> 25% phosphoric acid (solution), inhibitors
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Capacity~L PK Type Type of packaging Feature Bactericide Supply form General Price Quantity Status Add
4688773 9192403 Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG 10 1 canister Acidic Liquid concentrate 144.12 EU Search Please contact us
4688774 9192405 Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG 5 1 canister Acidic Liquid concentrate 87.94 EU Search Please contact us
Search Neutraliser MaloClean Z Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG (699616)

Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG (699616)

Neutraliser MaloClean Z
Neutraliser for washer-disinfectors

For use in laboratories, pharmacies, central sterilisations and operating theatres, dairy kitchens, water laboratories, etc.

-Area of application: Surgical instruments, anaesthetic utensils, laboratory glasswar...
Neutraliser MaloClean Z
Neutraliser for washer-disinfectors

For use in laboratories, pharmacies, central sterilisations and operating theatres, dairy kitchens, water laboratories, etc.

-Area of application: Surgical instruments, anaesthetic utensils, laboratory glassware, ceramics and plastics
-Removes alkaline residues in the neutralisation cycle of dishwashers
-> 25% citric acid, free of phosphates, nitrogen and surfactants
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Capacity~L PK Type Type of packaging Feature Bactericide Supply form General Price Quantity Status Add
4688775 9192406 Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG 5 1 canister Acidic Liquid concentrate 75.29 EU Search Please contact us
4688776 9192407 Laborgeräte Süd GmbH & Co.KG 10 1 canister Acidic Liquid concentrate 127.94 EU Search Please contact us
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