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Search Boiling stones, PTFE Bohlender GmbH (5101)

Bohlender GmbH (5101)

Boiling stones, PTFE
Prevents bubbling and bumping when boiling a medium.
-Long life
-Universal chemical resistance
-Operating temperature -200 °C to 250 °C
Boiling stones, PTFE
Prevents bubbling and bumping when boiling a medium.
-Long life
-Universal chemical resistance
-Operating temperature -200 °C to 250 °C
PN Manuf. PN Supplier Capacity~g Material PK Temperature~resistance Max. temp. resistance~°C Min. temp. resistance~°C Grain size~mm General Price Quantity Status Add
6056597 H 972-04 Bohlender GmbH 500 PTFE 500 -200 ... 250 °C 250 -200 6 111.91 EU Search Please contact us
6205176 H 972-02 Bohlender GmbH 500 PTFE 500 -200 ... 250 °C 250 -200 4 121.76 EU Search Please contact us
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