Aspirator FTA-2i

Search Aspirator FTA-2i Grant Instruments Ltd. (10165)

Grant Instruments Ltd. (10165)

Aspirator FTA-2i
Designed for routine aspiration of the supernatent alcohol/buffer from the walls of microtubes during DNA/RNA purification and other macromolecule reprecipitation techniques.

-Fitted with hydrophobic microbiological filter
-The hydrophobic microbiological sucti...
Aspirator FTA-2i
Designed for routine aspiration of the supernatent alcohol/buffer from the walls of microtubes during DNA/RNA purification and other macromolecule reprecipitation techniques.

-Fitted with hydrophobic microbiological filter
-The hydrophobic microbiological suction filter eliminates risk of contamination from the trap flask. Efficiency up to 99.9 %, holds particles bigger than 0.027 micron, which are smaller than agents of Hepatitis A, B and C.
-Polyethylene tube connects collecting tip to the trapping flask
-Built-in micro-compressor creates negative pressure in trapping flask for removal of liquid from microtubes
Scope of supply: Aspirator system with integrated pump and trap flask
Volume Trap flask: 2 l
Vacuum range: 200 ... 800 mbar (adjustable)
Dimensions (W x D x H): 185 x 290 x 390 mm
Weight: 1.85 kg
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6311061 FTA-2I Grant Instruments Ltd. 1 FTA-2i 1950.45 EU Search Please contact us
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